9/18 Why You Should Join the Socialists

By Umass Boston Socialists

Why You Should Join the Socialists and Change the World
A Public Forum

Hosted by the Boston International Socialist Organization

Thursday September 18th, 7:00 PM
Cabral Center at the O’Bryant African-American Institute
Northeastern University
40 Leon St, Boston, MA

(Ruggles Station on the Orange Line)
Directions // RSVP on Facebook

Capitalism is killing the planet. We face escalating ecological crises, unending wars and occupations from Iraq and Afghanistan to the U.S.-backed Israeli assaults on Palestine, racism has led to mass incarceration and out-of-control anti-immigrant bigotry, and women and LGBTQ people face rising levels of misogyny and homophobia. The economic prospects for our generation are growing dimmer by the day with falling pay and historically high levels unemployment. Meanwhile, big business is colonizing our campuses and trying to reshape our right to an education to serve its own interests. All of this in pursuit of profit. Enough is enough!

Fortunately, there is also resistance — from the fight of fast-food workers for $15/hour minimum wage to the fight against police brutality in Ferguson… from young immigrant rights activists (DREAMers) to women fighting for reproductive healthcare and against sexual violence… from the fight for LGBTQ equality to the fight for justice for Palestinians.

Socialists are involved in each and every one of these fights. And while we fight on all these fronts, we also believe it is necessary to link the terrible conditions we all face back to their source, capitalism. If we want to save the planet and win social and economic justice for the world’s majority, it will take a revolution, it will take socialism. More than 150 years ago, Karl Marx raised the slogan, “Workers of the World, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.” That has never more true that it is today. But if we want to win, we can’t just act blindly. We need to study history and theory, debate out our ideas, and build revolutionary organization.

We want to change the world. If you do too, then we need you and you need us. Come join the International Socialist Organization for a discussion of how we can build a movement to get rid of capitalism and what you can do to help.

If you get lost, call (617) 506-3762!

Source: 9/18 Why You Should Join the Socialists