4/1, The Battle for Justice in Palestine with Ali Abunimah at Northeastern University

By Umass Boston Socialists

Tuesday, April 1 at 5pm
ROOM 444, Curry Student Center

Northeastern University

Join the Progressive Student Alliance, the Northeastern Palestine Underground, and the International Socialist Organization – Boston on Tuesday, April 1st at 5:00pm as we host prolific author and activist Ali Abunimah. He will be discussing his most recent book, The Battle for Justice in Palestine, which documents the struggle on campus for Palestinian liberation and the BDS movement. Abunimah has also dedicated the last few stops of his tour to raising awareness about the Northeastern administration’s censorship of SJP, along with the censorship of Columbia SJP at Barnard and of Prof. Iymen Chehade at Columbia College in Chicago. We are honored to have such a distinguished speaker advocate for our struggle on campus, and that of all students concerned with justice in Palestine.

Ali Abunimah is the author of One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli Palestinian Impasse, and co-founder and director of the widely acclaimed publication The Electronic Intifada. Based in the United States, he has written hundreds of articles and been an active part of the movement for justice in Palestine for 20 years. He is the recipient of a 2013 Lannan Cultural Freedom Fellowship.

The Battle for Justice in Palestine has been praised by Alice Walker, Joseph Massad, Rebecca Vilkomerson, Omar Barghouti, and many others. The fascinating new book can be purchased at the event, or online via Haymarket Books:



Progressive Student Alliance

The Northeastern Palestine Underground

International Socialist Organization – Boston

Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee

Boston University Students for Justice in Palestine


Source: 4/1, The Battle for Justice in Palestine with Ali Abunimah at Northeastern University