A World to Win

By erickerl

AWorldToWin eventphoto

Friday • April 11th • 6:30pm
Columbia College • Hokin Lecture Hall room 109
623 S. Wabash Ave

We live in a world of upside-down priorities: where public schools are under-funded and closed while the racist prison system continues to grow; where billions of dollars are spent on murderous drone technology while our energy system continues to rely on toxic pollution; where US government agencies spy on ordinary citizens to “protect our freedoms.”

We live in a world that protects the tremendous profits of a privileged few at the expense of the rest of us. We desperately need a world organized on a radically different basis from capitalism—where priorities are about meeting human needs like real healthcare, quality education, an end to all forms of oppression and war. A socialist world is possible and worth fighting for. Join us for this public discussion of the fight to end capitalism and how to get involved.

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Source: A World to Win