Socialist Party L.A. Local Freedom School with Scott Tucker!!!

By msoltysik

When: Saturday, April 19th, 630pm
Where: 2617 Hauser Boulevard, Los Angeles
What’s going on:
The German Revolution: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Was the Russian Revolution a success? Was the German Revolution a failure? Among socialists to this day, the German Revolution is often less known than the Russian Revolution. For democratic socialists, looking backward at these two revolutions will help us gain perspective on our present possibilities, and on the future of class conscious politics. Scott Tucker, a member of the Los Angeles chapter of the Socialist Party, will focus on the German Revolution, and will show some photos and images related to the German socialist movement. There will also be time for audience members to ask questions and make brief statements. As an introduction to this subject, you may be interested to read Tucker’s article Rosa Luxemburg and the Libertarian Left, published online at Truthdig):

Facebook event page:

Source: Socialist Party L.A. Local Freedom School with Scott Tucker!!!